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Is TCM a Regulated Health Profession in Ontario?


Yes. All Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners are regulated through the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). The College sets the standards and scope of practice, and ensures that practitioners are providing safe, professional and ethical health care to patients. Only registered members of the CTCMPAO may use the title of Acupuncturist (R.Ac) and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCMP).



Does Acupuncture Hurt?


Truthfully, acupuncture doesn’t usually hurt, and if it does, it’s mild and short lived, kind of like a mosquito bite. Acupuncture needles are very different from the needles used to draw blood or give injections. The sterile, single use acupuncture needles are very thin, flexible and solid (filiform), and are intended to part tissue rather than cut it. As a result, many people do not experience pain with acupuncture needles. Often patients will describe the sensation as “pressure”, “tingling” or a “warm radiating heaviness” rather than pain. Most patients find acupuncture to be a very relaxing experience (many people fall asleep), and a welcome relief from the discomfort due to illness they live with everyday.



Are Chinese Medicinal Herbs Safe?


Chinese herbs are medicine in a whole and natural form. All herbs have both the power to heal and the potential to harm. That is why it is important to seek the advice of a regulated Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner, to ensure that the herbs prescribed are safe for you as an individual, will not conflict with your current medications, and will have the desired effect. All herbs prescribed in this practice come from reputable manufacturers who test for herb authenticity, heavy metals, pesticides, and other contaminants, both before and after processing the herbs.



How Many Treatments Will I Need?


Generally, it takes longer to treat chronic problems, while acute issues are usually resolved more quickly. Based on your initial assessment, a course of treatment will be recommended to you on your first visit. The frequency of acupuncture treatments is important, as there is often an accumulative effect. Initially, coming for treatments twice weekly can help resolve the health issue more quickly. An average course of treatment is 6-12 sessions. Very chronic conditions may take several courses of treatment.



Is the Cost of Treatment Covered By OHIP or Insurance?


Most private health insurance policies will include coverage for acupuncture. Herbal therapies are usually not covered though. It is best to check with your provider as to the specific details of your plan.  A receipt will be printed or emailed to you to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.  Will do not bill direct to insurance companies.

OHIP does not cover the cost of treatment.


Still have some unanswered questions?

Please call, text or email for further information.


705-808-3894   or

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