Does the Cold, Damp Weather Make Your Joints Ache? Traditional Chinese Medicine and Osteoarthritis
DOES THE COLD, DAMP WEATHER MAKE YOUR JOINTS ACHE? Traditional Chinese Medicine and Osteoarthritis As the seasons change, and the weather...

Don't be S.A.D.! Seasonal Affective Disorder Is Not Inevitable
Don't be S.A.D.! Seasonal Affective Disorder Is Not Inevitable. At this time of year, many of my patients complain about feeling...

5 Steps To Combat Bloating
Feeling bloated? Well, you're not alone. Many of us secretly loosen our pants after a meal to ease the discomfort of bloating. And...

Getting to the Point: Acupuncture for Headache Relief
Getting to the Point: Acupuncture for Headache Relief Stabbing, piercing, tight, throbbing, blinding.....these are common pain...

Why Women Need Traditional Chinese Medicine
Of all the women's health issues that are successfully treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), three repeatedly walk through my...

Pregnancy and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Pregnancy and Traditional Chinese Medicine For over 3000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine has promoted specialized treatment for women...

Don't Let A Cold Or Flu Get You Down!
I wasn't going to talk about this before the holidays, however, I feel compelled to, hearing about all the sickness going around...

5 Health Benefits of Pumpkin
Did you know that the pumpkin you carve into a Jack-O-Lantern for Halloween or bake into a pie at Thanksgiving is filled with many year...

Ladies! Are you heating up with menopause?
You can often spot the peri-menopausal or menopausal woman from a distance. Flushed, dewy face fanning themselves madly, or hanging out...

Are you drinking enough or too much?
I was recently reminded of the importance of water, when the new Chinese International students who are living with us, went on a covert...